With G_d’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer
One Creator, One Creation, One Humanity. Education for the whole child
Donate to Clara Mohammed School

We humbly accept your tax-deductible donation to assist with the operations and programming for Clara Mohammed School, Inc..
Your donation can be securely made via PayPal from the link below. Thank You!
We also have Cashapp!
Fundraisers are exciting, fun ways to support great causes! One of the many ways to support CMS is to do your Amazon shopping through AmazonSmile. When you shop using Smile.Amazon.com and select Clara Mohammed School, Inc. as your nonprofit, Amazon donates a portion of sales to the Clara Mohammed School from Amazon. Visit the link below to start shopping!
Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with us?
If you would like to work with Clara Mohammed School Inc., on your next fundraiser, please contact our Financial Manager, Mr. Mahdi at Mahdi@ cmsmkewi.us.
CMS Donor Update