With G_d’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer
One Creator, One Creation, One Humanity. Education for the whole child
About Us

A Qur'an-Guided Journey
We believe The Qur’an, (as with all scripture), is a light by which we can see how to extract the benefits of G_d’s creation in our journey to understand ourselves, others, and ultimately how best to serve our Creator.
Tauheed, oneness, or recognizing that G_d’s creation is His creation, refers to the understanding that there is one Creator, Who designed everything in the universe with order, a systematic order; that all matter is one system.
This idea of unity of matter, the reasoning leads us to conclude there is only one family of man.
Human life may develop into different cultural expressions, but in our essential human nature, we are the same.
This belief and the understanding of it are reflected in our curriculum and in our methods of teaching.
We may live in different environments, but no one is excused from the obligation to strive for excellence. This goes for our teachers, families, and students.
We believe in One Creator, One Creation, and One Humanity.