With G_d’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer
One Creator, One Creation, One Humanity. Education for the whole child
50 years of
Milwaukee's First Islamic School and Masjid
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Income Guidelines for MPCP
Clara Mohammed School, Inc. participates in the Private School Choice Program, which includes the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), the Racine Parental Choice Program (RPCP), and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program or statewide program (WPCP).
Families living in the City of Milwaukee who meets these income guidelines may apply for the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP). In addition, families living in the Racine Unified School District may apply for the Racine Parental Choice Program (RPCP).
Please refer to the income limits below, visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) website for more information, and apply for Choice
* Other restrictions from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction apply for families outside of Milwaukee.